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National Instruments

Since I had spent 11 years as the creative director for National Instruments, this will obviously make up the lion share of my work. I always tried to push the brand creative for this high tech company. Not to where it is improbable, but to the point that it projects a much larger company and player in this space than they were. It has been very successful. NI was 500 million when I started and is now over a billion.


NI Corporate Video

Being an in house agency, we had our share of the mundane. But we also got opportunities to work on some fun projects as well. The video team was dying to show what they could do and were able to produce a great piece that tells the complex NI story at a high level.


Corporate Ads

NI has primarily been a product company. So to create the first ever corporate ads were a big win for the team. This ad positioned NI as the company that helps engineers become all they can be and enables them to "Engineer Change."


NI Brochures

I styled the NI look and feel after The International Typographic Style, also known as the Swiss Style. Clean lines. Strong type. Clear photographs. A strong design system, grid based, old school still allows for incredible flexibility while maintaining a strong brand identity.

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NI Mobile Expo

This became a very successful project for NI. The Mobile Expo is driven to customer and potential customer locations. The inside is as equally well designed, with hands on demos of products. The bus wrap boldly announces "We have arrived."

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Alliance Partner Logos

The National Instruments Partner ecosystem is a vital part of the success of the company. We needed a way to allow the partners to proudly display their association, without diluting the NI brand.
